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Please note, that the preparatory materials for the MedAT as well as the admission test (instructions and questions) are solely available in German!

General information

If you want to apply for the first time for a public Medical University in Austria, you have to pass the admission test MedAT.

You may study Medicine at the:

The admission test MedAT (MedAT-H for Human Medicine and MedAT-Z for Dental Medicine) takes place once a year (see deadlines below). It is the same exam for all universities, on the same day. Thus, the participation is limited to one study location and your results are exclusively considered at the university you are registered for.

Please also make sure, you do not miss the period for registration and payment of the MedAT fee!

Please note, that both first-time admission and continuation of medical studies require German language skills at level C1!

Deadlines and dates

Internet registration 01.03.–29.03.2024
Payment of MedAT fee 01.03.–29.03.2024
MedAT Test 05.07.2024
Announcement of results KW 32
Admission after announcement of results

Online registration

In order to be registered for the admission test MedAT, you have to sign up online within the above announced period. You find the online forms for the registration here: 

On the online form you have to specify: 

  • the place of study (Medical University of Vienna, Medical University of Innsbruck, Medical University of Graz, or Medical Faculty of Johannes Kepler University Linz),
  • the program you want to apply for (either Human Medicine, German: Humanmedizin; or dental medicine, German: Zahnmedizin),
  • your personal data,
  • in case you are applying for Humanmedizin: your quota (German: Kontingent, see below for more information).

You will receive an e-mail after the registration to the e-mail address you have specified.

As part of your registration you will get a seven-digit ID (German: Bearbeitungsnummer), which is necessary for logging in to your personal account. There, you may settle the MedAT fee (German: Kostenbeteiligung) as well as check and download your personal documents and information.

In order to attend the test, it is required to pay the MedAT fee of EUR 110,–. This fee also has to be settled within the above announced period.

Please note: Online registration and settlement of the MedAT fee is not possible after the deadline!

Allocation of study places

In general, all applicants are ranked by their test results. They may be admitted to university if their rank is within the limitation of the available places and if they meet the necessary admission requirements.

Available study places in the diploma studies of human medicine and dentistry in Austria:

  Human Medicine Dental Medicine Total
Medical University of Vienna 692 80 772
Medical University of Innsbruck 380 40 420
Medical University of Graz 364 24 388
Johannes Kepler University Linz 320 - 320
Total 1756 144 1900

Quota (German: Kontingent)

In case you apply for Human Medicine, you also have to specify your quota (German: Kontingent) on the online form:

  • Anyone who has attained their school leaving certificate (German: Reifeprüfung, Matura) in Austria regardless of their citizenship – Austrian quota 
  • EU citizens and those equivalent who have attained their school leaving certificate within or outside the EU, but not in Austria – EU quota 
  • Third country nationals who have attained their school leaving certificate within or outside the EU, but not in Austria – Non-EU quota

Please note: A minimum of 95 % of the available study places for Human Medicine is reserved for applicants of both Austrian and EU quota. Of that, a minimum of 75 % is reserved for applicants of the Austrian quota. Applicants of the Non-EU quota may receive a maximum of 5 % of the available study places for Human Medicine.

Test preparation

You may find the entire official and free preparation material on this website: 

As mentioned before, the admission test and the preparatory materials for the MedAT are solely available in German!

Find out more about test preparation, tips and myths on this website:

Admission and further information

If you want to continue your medical studies in Austria, you can either take the admission test MedAT (and have some of the acquired achievements credited) or you can apply for a transfer to a higher semester in case of free study places at the respective university.

Please note, that the continuation of medical studies require German language skills at level C1!

Further information on the requirements for admission are available on the individual websites of the universities: